For Students Parent’s

For Students Parents

We know what an important step is the decision to send your child to get higher education overseas. It seems that your child will never get used to a different cultural environment, climatic conditions, language, food, people… However, think about prestigious profession and Russian degree of state university which is internationally recognized, and temporary challenges such as the cultural adaptation in new country will easily turn into exciting advantages. At the end of the day this is what you have always dreamed about and for what your child aspired conquering the most complex sciences in school. On this page we would like to give some tips on how to help your child and yourself to pass through the period of adaptation. We will also provide here the information which could be useful and interesting for the parents of our students.

1. Parents’ help

First of all, our office will take your contacts in order to be in touch We will be glad to answer all your questions as soon as possible!

2. Let your child make his/her first mature choice to start an independent life.

We recommend you to let your child make his/her own decision on the choice of the future profession and university where he/she wants to study. It will assure high motivation and responsibility for the success in studies. Check, however, that the choice of the profession is based on intellectual passion, not immediate emotion. The future profession should be chosen taking into consideration requirements of employment market, as well as prospects of economic development of your country in the coming years. Do not forget, however, about child’s personal abilities and preferences. From our experience, the students who have successfully finished the school, do not always succeed in their studies at university, if the choice of specialty was made by their parents and not by themselves. At the same time very often the students who studied in school at medium level, are very successful at the University as they are motivated in mastering the course they like and passionate about acquiring their future profession.

3. Listen and reassure.

Often, arriving in a foreign country, the children feel overwhelmed. They fear they have made a wrong choice and they start calling their parents. However, do not be afraid, just listen, reassure and encourage your child. Suggest asking for assistance of the “Threemed International” representative, officials of the university or fellow students who have already adapted to the studies in Russia. It is not recommended to arrive in Russia together with the child, as the presence of parents does not facilitate the process of adaptation and results in stress after the departure of parents. If you want to make sure personally that everything is all right with your child in Russia, you can come to see him/her in one-two months or during the vacations. Do not worry, during the first days of stay in Russia your child will be supervised in all questions by managers of “Threemed International”. This assistance will help him/her to adjust to new life as soon as possible. More than 7 million students study in Russia, of whom 165 000 are the foreign citizens from more than 200 countries. To help in adaptation “Threemed International.

4. Discuss with your child lifestyle choices, clarify his/her attitude to alcohol before he/she comes to the university.

The surveys show that the rates of alcohol abuse in institutions of higher education are not dramatically high. Nevertheless, nobody is insured of such challenges. Talk with your child about the values he/she determines in his/her behavior and in that of others, if he/she has ever resisted to somebody else’s will, temptations and defend his/her individuality. Try to help your child to properly arrange the priorities of lifestyle and discuss the questions of using of alcohol drinks and relationships with the opposite sex. It is necessary to warn the child that the use of alcohol and drugs etc. can cancel all his/her and your plans and hopes for successful future. Perhaps, to have such a conversation with your child will not be so pleasant; however, it will help him/her to avoid fatal false steps in adult life!

5. Inspire him/her with love to new knowledge!

Explain your child that the education is not only a degree and pathway for the further job. Getting education is a fascinating experience during which he/she can discover many interesting things and encourage intellectual exploration. The participation not only in educational life, but also in social life of the university (organization of festivals of national culture, dance competitions etc.) will help your child to bring up the qualities of a leader and become responsible and independent. The knowledge is the main wealth in any country of the world!

6. Stay in touch, but not too much…

It may be hard to reach your child by phone in the beginning. He/she will have classes at the university, the day schedule will change – every day except Sunday from 9 am to 5 pm he/she will be busy in lecture halls. Moreover, the time difference between Russia and your country can be considerable. Help foster his/her independence by being in touch less frequently than you used to. However we would like to encourage you to communicate with the “Threemed International” representative in your country and provide him/her with all your telephone numbers. In case of need to get in touch with you urgently to deal with current questions, we should always have your active telephone numbers!

7. Explain your child how to avoid unnecessary problems.

Despite the fact that the safety in universities is provided at the appropriate level, the parents should talk with their child about precautions and personal safety rules applicable all over the world. Remind of the following important measures: not to leave personal assets unguarded, windows and doors of the room open; not to break the rules of accommodation in the hostel and not to leave it in night-time (from 11 pm to 6 am) and to observe the rules of the road safety. Create a plan of actions with your child in case of unforeseen situation (including natural disasters). These are elementary rules for any person all over the world. They are well-known but, unfortunately, not all of them are observed.

8. Tuition, hostel accommodation, life and health insurance fees.

Do not forget that your child needs annual financial support for tuition, hostel accommodation, life and health insurance, nutrition and other minor expenses until he/she completes the studies in Russia. The average expenses for one academic year for tuition, hostel accommodation, life and health insurance range from 3000 to 5000 USD depending on the university, specialty and language of studies. While taking a decision about the choice of the institution of higher education where your child will study count up with the “Threemed International” representative the approximate budget not only for the first academic year but also for all following years taking into consideration the chosen specialty. The same specialty in different universities and cities of Russia can cost differently. It depends on the amount of subsidy that the university gets from the Russian government. Therefore, taking into account you financial capability “Threemed International” will be able to offer you the suitable university according to the specialty of interest. Do not hesitate to write us an inquiry stating your preferences. Please note that in all Russian state universities, members of the “Threemed International” group, the specialties are taught according to the state standard and programs. Thus, the quality of education in all universities is high; the graduates obtain degrees of higher education of the state standard that are globally recognized. Russian graduates are specialists in demand in the employment market all over the world.

9. Nutrition of your child in Russia.

All Russian student hostels have a kitchen on each floor, where students can prepare food according to their own taste. There is a good tradition in hostels to invite fellow students and friends for a dinner of national cuisine: European, Asian, Arab, African, Latin American. A wide range of products from around the world, available at Russian stores, allows a foreigner to stick to his/her national meals, which he/she was accustomed to at home. We recommend giving your child some lessons of how to cook before the departure to Russia. He/she needs to learn cooking independently at least few dishes, especially national. Your child can use these skills to cook for him/her, as well as for entertainment of friends and neighbors at festivals of national culture organized by the universities. The average expenses for food are 250 USD per month. The students may also attend inexpensive student cafes where the average cost of a fixed student meal (soup, main dish, salad, tea) is about 3-5 U.S.

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